What is acne,acne cause,type of acne,type of drugs in acne, acne cause by polycystic ovarian syndrome in girls, prevention of acne,cure of acne


What is acne?

Modern youth is interested in diverse issues like environment and politics. but they are equally interested with their own presentation to society. So they want to face society with glow- ing face.
If acne appears on skin they won't take the age old advice that it is their hormones and just go ahead with life. They want to get rid of it instantly and they are right about it. Young generation has all the knowl- edge at their finger tips so first Google advice is followed, Then comes the friends and nearby chem- ist. After that they land with a doctor. First thing we advice is that blanket treatment is not advisable and treatment of acne is tailor made as per the skin type and general health of an individual.

Acne,what is acne,causes of acne,type of acne, prevention of acne, sarkarirojgardaily, sarkarirojgardailyblogspot.com
Acne,what is acne,acne causes,acne prevention

Acne causes:-

At the time of puberty, surge of hormones leads to hyper secretion of sebaceous glands causing growth of otherwise friendly bacteria on skin re- sulting in acne. Other factors like lack of exercise, hyperglycemic foods, inadequate water intake, irregular sleeping habits also contribute to the cause.

Stress has a great role to play in this condi- tion. Especially young girls tend to prick pimples with nails leading to disfigurement of face, the so called acne excoriata. Such person requires repeated counseling and very delicate handling.

Some girls are having irregular menses due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This causes not only obesíty, excessive hair growth on face but also resistant acne.

How to treat acne?

Three basic drugs are used locally to treat acne that is local antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid. But these are used as per skin type treated with antibiotics like doxycycline for fairly long period.

Type of acne:-

Some suffer from a very devastating and grade of acne. Sever grades of acne are type of acne causing swellings, pus and sinuses on face, back and chest. For these patients isot- retinoin is a real brake through.

Girls suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome:-

The girls suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, treatment with Improper treatment can leave pigmentation and scars and this will require specialized treatment with peels, surgery and lasers.

Prevention of acne:-

Healthy life style and good habits go lang way in prevention of acne. One has to take a balanced diet with lots of green vegetables and fruits with adequate intake of water.
Excessive sweets, oily foods, fast foods very necessary. For those perusing body building anabolic steroids should be avoided at any cost, Acne should not be taken casually as this can hormones for at least six months is mandatory. are absolute no-no.
Good sleep and exercise is lead to depression and even suicidal tendencies.
Treatment of acne requires lots of patience on part doctor as well as patient but it is rewarding experience as it brings back smile on the face of youth.

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